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Expanding Our Product Line

Wow, for your first day here at Toggle Outfitters, you're making a big splash already! 🏅

First, some kudos! 🎊

Thanks to all your hard work in launching the new digital storefront and the modernization to make it possible to serve toggles at scale, Toggle Outfitters has had remarkable success.

In fact, we've been so successful in selling Toggles, we're ready to expand into new markets with a new product line, Goggles.

The competition in the goggles market is stiff. Goggles Outfitters has cornered the market and we want a slice of that goggle action!

Challenges 📈

As eager as we are to get into the goggles market, it is strictly regulated and import/export laws prohibit Toggle Outfitters from selling to certain regions. The penalties from running afoul of those regulations are big enough, they could erase our profits in no time, not to mention we could be locked out of other markets if we don't stay on the right side of the law.

We also aren't sure what the demand for Goggles looks like from our customer base. Up until this point, Goggles Outfitters has been the go-to supply store for high-end goggles! To displace Goggles Outfitters as the market leader, we're going to need to move fast, but we can't risk steep fines or penalties, so we need to be able to target regions and users who see our new line of goggles so we don't run afoul of the law.

We're also going to test this out with some of our most loyal customers and influencers before we roll this out to the rest of our customers, so we'll need a way to make sure they alone can see this before it reaches everyone.

Targeting 🎯

Targeting is complicated business and the timeline is tight. We can't afford long testing cycles or we'll miss our window to enter this market. If we have to code this targeting logic ourselves, we'll never make it.

Fortunately, you seem to be really good at using LaunchDarkly and Custom Contexts should be just what we need to target our beta testers and control the rollout by region!

Your Mission 🔥

Launch our new line of Goggles, being careful to roll them out only to users in permitted regions and to our internal team for testing.