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What You'll Learn

At the end of this module, you'll unlock the following capabilities

  • Understand how LaunchDarkly can manage backend and frontend feature flags
  • Create feature flags to migrate to a new payment API system
  • Create feature flags to migrate to a new database
  • Explore pre-requisite flags
  • Explore using governance

Adopting new cloud services, databases, and APIs is a constant in modern software delivery, but migration projects are risky, expensive, and time-consuming.

Technology is always evolving and new solutions emerge everyday! As organizations try to keep up with the latest and greatest they inevitably all hit a crossroad: do we stick with what's working or do we undergo a technology migration? This is a scary question, because a lot can go wrong and have a huge impact on the business. What happens if our changes cause on outage? What happens if we lose access to critical data in the process? There are lots of questions and not a lot of answers, but LaunchDarkly is once again here to help!

You've Wowed the Team! 🙌

Great job helping manage the new webstore release, the Toggle Outfitter executive team is very pleased with the new site, but now we have a problem. Part of the new webstore update is making it easier for our customers to purchase directly from the website. As you saw at the end of the first section, we are not ready to open up that capability to our customers!

De-Risked Migrations 🚀

LaunchDarkly supports 25+ SDKs including many that are popular for building backend APIs. Because of this, we can trust LaunchDarkly to support us through a technology migration by breaking the migrations down into smaller, more digestible pieces, monitoring the performance at each phase, and offering an immediate path to resolution if there's a problem!

Your Mission 🔥

Get ready to put on your Operations hat and embrace your new life as a DevOps engineer. You're going to be using LaunchDarkly to manage both an API migration and database migration!